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I believe the evidence speaks for itself here.. to have at least 6 former "students" of this hell hole end up on death row says volumes. Anyone who has bothered to look into the atrocities that occurred for over a century at this place, literally from the time of its opening right up to it's bitter end, surely has no doubt that a great number of lives were unnecessarily ruined by it-- and by the sadistic people it employed as a rule. When noting the sources used in this article, I could see that none of the first person accounts were consulted, which is disappointing, because if they had been, I doubt the tone would have been as lackluster as it seems to me. Nor would certain facts have been glossed over and minimized-- such as the misleading statements about the graves found on the Dozier site.. To say there were a few is an understatement, there were 31 crosses (with no names) marking grave sites in the so-called cemetery, and 55 bodies were actually uncovered there, as well as many more being found in various other locations on the premises. They have even identified many of them now. So I am less been impressed with the coverage here. It definitely could have been more thorough. Also, there are no words strong enough to properly condemn the hypocrisy of Governor DeSantis, who has shown himself to be unfit for the office in every way. That the State of Florida was and is complicit in any and all crimes committed by former residents of this torture camp, Cole included, should be considered a given. Therefore, for the same state to execute any of these people is a miscarriage of Justice-- not that the death penalty isn't always, in every case. It's time people realized that state sponsored violence can only breed more violence, and that no sane, just or civilized society would tolerate such depravity. Any legislator who defends or upholds such an institution should immediately be removed and, when appropriate, subject to legal ramifications of their own. The White House boys certainly deserve better than a few paltry reparations.. they deserve real justice.

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