One update since this was posted and sent via email this morning. My walk through death row was at UCI, not FSP. Sorry for the confusion.

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How far is FSP from UCI? Is it across the street, or down the street? I thought they were both called FSP interchangeably, but the actual FSP was more for people with behavioral issues and where the death house is. I'm confused 🤦‍♀️

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Hi! Sorry for any confusion. FSP and UCI are very close to each other. You are correct... UCI is where the death row population is housed (unless there is overflow, as there was in 2016). FSP is where close management is as well as the execution chamber.

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I just happened upon some new information regarding this/these prison(s)... Union Correctional Institution used to be known as Florida State Prison. It was changed to UCI in 1972, and now a different building is called Florida State Prison. Weird. Why all the switcheroo? lol

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